Maryland Young Adult Survey on Alcohol (MYSA)
Conducted biannually
MYSA was conducted to provide data on needs assessments conducted by jurisdictions in Maryland. This survey aimed to gather information on the practices, perceptions, and behaviors related to alcohol use across the entire state. Key findings include:
Alcohol Use: 80.42% of respondents had alcohol in the past month. Many respondents reported binge drinking at least one day in the past month.
Drinking and Driving: 21–25-year-olds reported more driving under the influence than 18–20-year-olds
Risky Behaviors/Consequences of Drinking: During the past 12 months doing something they regretted later, having unprotected sex, blacking out or forgetting, physically injuring themselves, and being a passenger with someone who was under the influence were reported as the most common consequences of drinking.
Poly-Drug Use: Using Marijuana while drinking alcohol was higher than all the other substances; including stimulants, sedatives, pain killers, cocaine, heroin, and MDMA
Maryland Public Opinion Survey on Opioids (MPOS)
Conducted biannually
The Maryland Public Opinion Survey on Opioids (MPOS) is aimed at collecting statewide perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, and practices surrounding prescription opioids and heroin. The survey also focuses on social access to prescription and non-prescription opioids and heroin through friends and family members; retail access to opioids and heroin through prescribers and dispensers; and perceived risk of harm from opioids and heroin use.