Logo for the Elder Care Medicine Network. On the left are small graphics indicating a heart, people exercising, and medication.

The Elder Care Medicine Network educates patients, caregivers, researchers, and pharmacists in "Patient Centered Outcomes Research" (PCOR) on the best use of medicines for seniors (kūpuna).

We have chosen three regions for this project, but even if you are located elsewhere, you can still engage with this network.  

We are made up of different stakeholders that are advising the network’s activities and products. 

Logos for the University of Hawaii Hilo, Project Patient Care.org, and the University of Minnesota.

We offer many ways to work with us, including: 

  • Surveys
  • Focus groups
  • Continuing education
  • Conversations about health
  • Co-designing educational materials and research questions

Whether you are a senior patient, caregiver, a researcher, or a pharmacist – our project will engage you where you can be an equal partner in improving the use of medicines as we age.

Elder Care Medicine Network Overview

Hear about the purpose and partners involved in the Elder Care Medicine Network.

Do you want your voice heard? We want to hear from you!

We heard from three Molokai community members in the Hawaii region. Watch the video below to learn more. 

Community Interviews in Hawaii Region

Hawaii Region Community Council member Judy Mikami talks with three Molokai community members who shared their wisdom to help us better understand “What Matters” to kūpuna (term for older adults in Hawaiian), and caregivers regarding medicines.

We want to make sure senior adults (kūpuna) are at the heart of the research questions that this network promises to address. That is why we hope to not only inform you of opportunities, but also engage you in this meaningful work.

Please sign up for the network by filling out the interest form. 

This project was partially funded through a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award #21121-UMD.