With an enrollment of more than 1,000 Doctor of Pharmacy and graduate students, admission to academic programs offered at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy is highly competitive.

Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) Program
To be considered for admission to the Doctor of Pharmacy program at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, prospective students must earn certain prerequisite credits at an accredited two- or four-year institution and submit a completed application package. Visit the PharmD program's page for more information.
Contact email: pharmdassist@rx.umaryland.edu
↓ Receive more information on the PharmD program.
Graduate Programs
Applicants interested in applying to a graduate program at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy should possess an undergraduate and/or graduate degree from an accredited college or university, as well as satisfy the requirements outlined by the Graduate School. Because each program has different admission criteria that applicants must meet, applicants are encouraged to review their chosen program’s admission requirements for more information about how to apply.
- PhD in Palliative Care
- PhD in Pharmaceutical Health Services Research
- PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences
- MS in Medical Cannabis Science and Therapeutics
- MS in Palliative Care
- MS in Pharmaceutical Health Services Research
- MS in Pharmaceutical Sciences
- MS in Pharmacometrics
- MS in Regulatory Science
- Graduate Certificates in Palliative Care
- Graduate Certificate in Medical Cannabis Science, Therapeutics, and Policy
- Graduate Certificate in Regulatory Science
Contact Email: sopgradadmissions@rx.umaryland.edu
↓ Receive more information on the graduate programs.
Residency and Fellowships
Candidates applying for residency and fellowship opportunities at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy must be licensed pharmacists in the state of Maryland or eligible for licensure. Residency applicants also must be enrolled in the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Residency Matching Program. Visit the Residency & Fellowship admissions page for more information about how to apply.
Contact email: P-SHORResidencyandAdministrativeSupport@rx.umaryland.edu