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Yueh-Yi Chiang
PhD Student She/her/hers
Concentration: Pharmacoepidemiology Research Interests: Mental health, psychotropic medication, diabetes, causal inference methodology, digital RWE, populations: children and adolescents Awards: ICPE 2023 Travel Scholarship (2023), International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology, Student Chapter UMB President (2023), Vice-President (2022) Email: LinkedIn
Jenny Contreras, MPH
PhD Student She/her/hers
Concentration: Comparative effectiveness and patient-centered outcomes research (CER/PCOR), pharmacoepidemiology Research Interests: Development of clinical outcome assessments (COA), cancer, health disparities, mixed-methods Email: LinkedIn
Ryan Costantino, PharmD, MS
PhD Student He/him/his
Concentration: Pharmaceutical policy Research Interests: Military medicine, medication use policy Email:
Udim Damachi, MS
PhD Student
Concentration: Pharmacoepidemiology Research Interests: Comparative effectiveness, drug utilization trends, chronic diseases, pharmacoepidemiology Email: LinkedIn
Bernard Bright Davies-Teye, MD, MPH, MGCP
PhD Student He/him/his
Concentration: Comparative effectiveness and patient-centered outcomes research (CER/PCOR), pharmacoeconomics, pharmacoepidemiology Research Interests: Utilizing advanced quantitative and qualitative methods, in pharmacoeconomics and pharmacoepidemiology, to generate real-world evidence to inform health care and health technology assessment decision-making to improve health outcomes in oncology and diseases that affect large populations. Awards: Dr. Arthur Schwartz Memorial Scholarship Award (2023), M-CERSI "America's Got Regulatory Science Talent" competition winner (2023), University of Maryland, Baltimore Graduate Student Association Global Travel Award (2022), Rho Chi Society Honor Society (2022) Email: Google Scholar
Eposi Elonge, MS
PhD Student She/her/hers
Concentration: Pharmacoepidemiology Research Interests: Hematological malignancies, comparative effectiveness research, adverse event data collection, aging populations, real-world evidence generation Email: LinkedIn
Blessing Enobun, MD, MPH
PhD Student
Concentration: Comparative effectiveness and patient-centered outcomes research (CER/PCOR), pharmaceutical policy Research Interests: patient-centered outcomes, HIV/AIDS, chronic diseases, pharmacoepidemiology Email: LinkedIn
Yu-Hua Fu, PharmD, MS
PhD Student She/her/hers
Concentration: Pharmacoeconomics, pharmacoepidemiology Research Interests: Health economics, pharmacoepidemiology, value assessment; geriatric population, cancer Awards: Lamy Predoctoral Fellowship in Aging Research (2023-2025); Pharmaceutical Health Services Research Travel Grant Award (2023) Email: LinkedIn
Candace Hall, MA
PhD Student She/her/hers
Concentration: Comparative effectiveness and patient-centered outcomes research (CER/PCOR) Research Interests: Patient-centered outcomes, comparative effectiveness research, health disparities, value-based care, patient engagement methods Email: LinkedIn
Chia-Yun Hsu, MS
PhD Student She/her/hers
Concentration: Pharmacoeconomics Research Interests: Health economics, mixed methods, health equity Email: LinkedIn
Lynn (Pei-Lin) Huang, MHS
PhD Student She/her/hers
Concentration: Pharmacoeconomics Research Interests: Pharmacoeconomics Email: Google Scholar LinkedIn
Onyeka Illoh, OD, MPH
PhD Student
Concentration: Comparative effectiveness and patient-centered outcomes research (CER/PCOR), pharmacoepidemiology Research Interests: Patient-centered outcomes research in drug development and evaluation, including real-world evidence generation, causal inference methodology, qualitative development and psychometric validation of clinical outcome assessments, patient preference methods, mixed methods research Dissertation Title: Translating causal inferences from clinical trials using external controls from real-world data (including but not limited to target trial emulation of patient-reported outcome endpoint results) Awards: Rho Chi Society Email: LinkedIn
Sheela Khadka, MS
PhD Student She/her/hers
Concentration: Comparative effectiveness and patient-centered outcomes research (CER/PCOR), pharmacoepidemiology Research Interests: Diabetes, patient unmet needs in psoriasis, RWE, causal inference Awards: UMB-Takeda PVA fellowship (2023-2025) Email: LinkedIn
Hyung-Seok Kim, MHS
PhD Student
Concentration: Comparative effectiveness and patient-centered outcomes research (CER/PCOR), pharmacoeconomics Research Interests: Economic evaluation, patient centric outcomes, Alzheimer's disease Email: LinkedIn
Haeyoung Lee, PharmD, MS
PhD Student She/her/hers
Concentration: Pharmacoepidemiology Research Interests: Pharmacoepidemiology Awards: Harris Zuckerman Scholarship (2023) Email:
Tsung-Ying Lee, MClinPharm
PhD Student He/him/his
Concentration: Pharmacoeconomics Research Interests: Prognosis research in health care, clinical outcomes, patient-centered outcomes, real-world data/evidence, epidemiology, health econometrics Awards: Pharmaceutical Health Services Research Graduate Program Award: The Donald O. Fedder Memorial Fellowship (2023); The Rho Chi Honor Society (2021); ISPOR UMB Student Chapter President (2021-2022: 1st place in Outstanding Student Chapter Award) Dissertation Title: Progression, prognostic factors, and economic costs of loss of independence in Parkinson disease Email: LinkedIn Google Scholar ORCID OSF GitHub
Yujia Li, MS
PhD Student She/her/hers
Concentration: Pharmacoepidemiology Research Interests: Pharmacoepidemiology, health care utilization, comparative effectiveness Email: LinkedIn
Rosie Love, MPH
PhD Student She/her/hers
Concentration: Comparative effectiveness and patient-centered outcomes research (CER/PCOR) Research Interests: Patient engagement methods, health literacy, patient-centered outcomes research, patient experience data collection, patient-reported outcome measure development, stated preference measure development, qualitative research methods, content validity Dissertation: Is there a relationship between health literacy and patient preferences? A pilot study among women breast cancer patients Awards: Donald O. Fedder Memorial Fellowship, Merck Investigator Initiated Studies Program Email: LinkedIn ORCID
Kayleigh Majercak, MS
PhD Student She/her/hers
Concentration: Comparative effectiveness and patient-centered outcomes research (CER/PCOR) Research Interests: Patient-reported outcome measures, mixed methods research, patient engagement Dissertation: Mitigating Evidence Gaps: A Survey Template to Inform Patient-Centered Value Assessment Awards: Abstract awarded a silver ribbon, AMCP Nexus 2022; Dr. Arthur Schwartz Memorial Scholarship Award 2022; National Health Council Pre-doctoral Fellowship; Rho Chi Honor Society; ISPOR “Student Chapter Leader Distinguished Services” awardee 2021; UMB ISPOR student chapter president 2020-2021; ISPOR Student Network, Chair of Education Committee 2020-2021; President’s Student Leadership Institute certificant, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2019; PHSR GSA representative 2019 Email: LinkedIn
Jackie McRae, PharmD, MS
PhD Student She/her/hers
Concentration: Pharmacoeconomics Email:
Nneka Okeke, MHS
PhD Student She/her/hers
Concentration: Pharmaceutical policy, pharmacoepidemiology Research Interests: Pharmacoepidemiology, pharmaceutical policy, health equity and quality, maternal and child health Email: LinkedIn
Jeong-eun Park, MPH
PhD Student She/her/hers
Concentration: Pharmacoeconomics Research Interests: Simulation modeling, decision analytic modeling, cost-effective analysis, systematic review and meta analysis Email: Google Scholar
Uzma Pathan, MPharm
PhD Student She/her/hers
Concentration: Pharmacoeconomics, pharmacoepidemiology Research Interests: Disease Areas: metabolic, neurological, mental health and substance use disorders. Methods: pharmacoeconomic analyses, systems modeling and machine learning Awards: UMB ISPOR student chapter president 2022 Email: Google Scholar LinkedIn
Salome Ricci, PharmD, MS
PhD Student She/her/hers
Concentration: Pharmacoeconomics Research Interests: Pharmacoeconomics, value assessment, decision making, health technology assessment, cost-effectiveness, health equity Email: LinkedIn
John Rizk, MSc
PhD Student He/him/his
Concentration: Pharmaceutical policy, pharmacoepidemiology Research Interests: Pharmacoepidemiology, program evaluation, patient safety, regulatory science, disparities Awards: America's Got Regulatory Science Talent Competition, Rho Chi Honor Society Email: Google Scholar
L. Yesenia Rodríguez Tanta, PharmD, MSc
PhD Student She/her/hers
Concentration: Pharmaceutical policy, pharmacoepidemiology Research Interests: Pharmacoepidemiology, drug safety and public health, pharmacovigilance, medical devices surveillance, evidence-based medicine, health technology assessment, causal inference, GRADE methods for guideline development, clinical trials Awards: ISPE Latin American Regional Interest Group chair (2022-2023) Email: Google Scholar LinkedIn
Jannat Saini, PharmD, MPH
PhD Student She/her/hers
Concentration: Pharmacoepidemiology Research Interests: Mental health, addiction medicine, causal inference methodology, digital RWE, populations: pregnant and non-pregnant persons Dissertation: Towards a Better Understanding of Access Factors Associated with Treatment and Outcomes among Medicaid Enrollees with Opioid Use Disorder and Depression Awards: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) R36 Grant for Health Services Research Dissertation (2024), Donald O. Fedder Memorial Fellowship (2024), APHA Regional Student Liaison of the year award, Student Assembly (2021), APHA Policy Action Institute Scholarship Recipient (2021), Harris Zuckerman Scholarship Recipient (2021), Rho Chi Society (2021), Phi Kappa Phi Society (2021); APHA Regional Student Liaison, Student Assembly (2019-2022), Maryland Public Health Association, membership committee Chair, Board member at large (2019-present), International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology, Student Chapter UMB President (2020), Secretary (2019), Co-editor, National Student Council Newsletter (2021) Email: LinkedIn Google Scholar ORCID
Dominique Seo, MPH
PhD Student She/her/hers
Concentration: Pharmacoeconomics Research Interests: Inclusion of health equity in pharmacoeconomic research Email: LinkedIn
Leah Sera, PharmD, MA
PhD Student She/her/hers
Concentration: Pharmaceutical policy, pharmacoepidemiology Research Interests: Social determinants of health, health disparities, big data Email: LinkedIn PubMed
Sarah Tanveer, MA
PhD Student She/her/hers
Concentration: Pharmaceutical policy, pharmacoepidemiology Research Interests: Pharmacovigilance, safety (adverse events/harms) of clinical interventions, causal inference, pharmaceutical policy, evidence synthesis methods Dissertation Title: Causality assessment of adverse drug events Awards: Donald O. Fedder Memorial Fellowship, FDA ORISE Fellowship Award, Pharmaceutical Health Services Research Travel Grant Award, Outstanding Graduate Student Representative Award, Cochrane 30 under 30, University of Maryland, Baltimore Student Affairs Advisory Board member Email: LinkedIn
Hoang Tien Tran, PharmD, MPH
PhD Student He/him/his
Concentration: Pharmacoeconomics, pharmacoepidemiology Research Interests: Pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoeconomics, evidence synthesis, causal inference, real-world evidence generation, and health equity Awards: Pharmacometrics Excellence and Diversity Fellowship (2023), Jon Christian Merkel Scholarship (2023), Precision Public Health Asia Early Career Researcher Scholarship (2023), International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management (ICPE) Scholarship (2021) Email: Google Scholar LinkedIn
Phuong Tran, MPH
PhD Student She/her/hers
Concentration: Pharmacoepidemiology Research Interests: Mental health, child health Email: