A unified visual identity is part of the University strategic plan to bring together the strengths of all the schools in partnership with the hospital to make us greater than the sum of our parts, and to create a dynamic University community.
School and Center Logos:
The Office of Communications and Marketing at the School of Pharmacy has created an inventory of logos for your use.*
The Office of Communications and Marketing must approve all uses of the logo before a piece is printed or published.
For logo usage requests, please contact Becky Ceraul at 410-706-1690 or rceraul@rx.umaryland.edu.
* If multiple UM campus entities are involved in a particular project, the broadest and most inclusive logo/wording combination will be used.
Communications Toolbox:
The Communications Toolbox includes guidelines that faculty, staff, and creative collaborators (graphic designers, advertising specialty vendors, etc.) should follow to comply with our new look and feel. This toolbox includes rules on logo usage, template examples, and other policies.
The University has developed a website that houses a variety of templates for members of the School of Pharmacy community. Log in using you MyUMB username and password to access the following templates:
- Business Cards
- Certificates
- Email Signatures (login to the portal)
- Letter head
- Logos
- Power Point
- Scientific Posters
- Other schools' templates and logos
Scientific Poster Printing Services:
The following groups and companies can assist individuals with printing scientific posters and presentations. Templates for scientific posters can be accessed in the University's Communication Toolbox:
- Poster Printing Services at the HS/HSL
The HS/HSL offers poster printing to all UMB faculty, staff, and students, as well as University of Maryland Medical Center staff. Posters will be printed in support of academic, professional, and research purposes.
- University of Maryland School of Medicine Office of Public Affairs
Digital services include publication quality prints from files, large format posters, signs, PowerPoint slides and print-outs. The office's Photo & Graphics Group can create images for researchers, or work with files that researchers provide.